A Return to France
November 2, 2014
Warning: There may be spoilers ahead if you are not current on the story.
Will Andi survive her injuries?
I bet you’re wishing you could skip to the end to know that. The story is completely written and I know the answer, but I don’t want to spoil it. I will say that someone is about to arrive who will be able to help Andi.
Has the character appeared before?
Yes. But I am not bringing Belle (Isabelle LePennec) back from the dead. Her death has haunted a number of characters since it happened. Maddie blames herself. She is not the only one and we’ll see how it plays into upcoming events.
Jake and Maddie face-to-face. How fun was that to write?
I couldn’t wait to get to it. Once I got to this point, I wrote the rest of the story very fast. I will probably find a lot of mistakes to fix and some of them will get past me. I am the editor, which makes typos easy to miss.
Maddie has a complicated love life. Jake was the one who got away. She moved on first with the Guard at Mystery Agency and then Max and then Bobby and then Max again. And at the end of MDS 1, Javier asked her to marry him.
And Max is heading to Metz, where Kerry Page is supposed to be putting Drew and Cooper on a plane home?
If you liked Jake and Maddie’s long-awaited “reunion,” you’ll love next week’s installment.