gagengirl entertainment

author’s blog

Four years later…

April 6, 2014

Four years ago today, I launched my website with a big “Coming Soon” and a countdown clock to when I planned to post the first installment of Mad Dog Chronicles (MDC). I had written the first two installments and didn’t have a clue where it all would take me. I was still getting to know those characters. All I knew was that (spoiler alert) Maddie would be found alive.

I knew that MDC would have 36 installments, told over six stories. I didn’t yet know that (spoiler alert again) Stephanie was a “spy” or that Maddie was pregnant. Those plot points came to me as I wrote. MDC will always be special to me because it was my first published story, even if it is still only available on my website. Yes, I’m still working on that issue. But I enjoy writing new stories so much more than editing. 

From April 18 to December 19, I posted a new installment every Sunday around the same time. I had planned to follow that up with Adventures in St. Augustine (ASA) right away, but that didn’t work out as I expected. It was on April 1, 2012 when ASA finally made its debut. I changed the rules for myself, posting at any time on Sundays.

Two additional stories, Mad Dog Chronicles - the Prequels (MDP) and Adventures in St. Augustine 2, have appeared on the website since then. While I’ve posted these stories on Sundays, I may post on another day of the week in the future.

It’s been four years since I began this journey and the finale of my 4th online story is next week. Murphy and Maddie may have dominated my website in these first four years, but I have many more stories to tell.